Sunday 2 October 2016

A world with Octobers.

It is officially Autumn. There is almost nothing as beautiful as watching the leaves change from green, to orange, to red before falling and crunching beneath our feet. Glimpsing the sunset on our way home from work earlier each evening, the skies turning from pink, to orange, to black and star filled. Feeling the temperature drop and being able to wrap yourself in 18 layers, watching your breath turn to fog.

Hot chocolate with excessive amounts of cream, woolly hats, dark cosy evenings, pumpkin carving, extravagant scarves, bonfires and fireworks, oversized jumpers, crunchy leaves underfoot, gingerbread, frosty morning air, the browns and golds, fairy lights and candles burnings, woodland walks and dare I say it - Christmas.

I am more than aware that first, we have Halloween. Anything skull shaped or laced with black makes my heart leap for joy. However, after doing a little shopping today and wandering round the Christmas sections, eyes wide and heart shaped, I just couldn't contain my excitement.

This is my favourite time of year and the next few months are going to be filled with adventures, cosy evening snuggles and a feeling of content that I never thought I would find.

Hello Autumn, let's not fly by, shall we? We'd all like to enjoy you for that little bit longer.

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